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Why are you like this?

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Nah, that isn’t true, we just wanted to grab your attention. Wait, wait! Don’t go yet! We do have an important announcement for you! We’re moving our website to a new platform!... Hm, you look like you have questions. Why don’t you ask them, and using the power of telepathy, we’ll answer.

… Ah, still not telepathic. Okay, well, maybe this will help answer your questions:

What does this mean?

In basic terms, it makes our website a lot easier for us and for you to use! We’re addressing issues that our customers have been expressing for a while: your cart containing items won’t disappear as quickly allowing you to shop longer, we’re adding Apple Pay AND Amazon Pay, and there will be more cool features on their way!

What does this mean for me?

Well, if you’re a frequent customer, or a new customer, you will need to create a new account moving forward, but other than that, nothing! Your previous account and orders can be accessed via .

But wait, I have an order…

No fear, Shakespeare! All previous orders are still in progress and have not been lost, forgotten, or traded in exchange for ancient crystals that hold untapped universal power. We took extra care to make sure that this transition would not affect any orders. We hired a team of small dogs to help. We’re… actually not too sure what they do, but having them around is a constant source of joy, and good morale = good website, as Ben Franklin used to say, maybe.

Oh, cool! Is there anything else?

Only that we love you, and we hope you’re having a good day ♥