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Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love?


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“'Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love?' my debut album is out April 14th. i cannot believe this is real and that i get to share it with you all. ive been thinking about music my whole life, been dreaming of doing it since i could conceptualize what it is on this earth i would do. for so much of my life this is a dream i shared with my best friend Maya who is no longer with us. finishing this album, it feels like crossing a milestone for us both. the title of my album, the question, is driven by grief. why do we show up on this world alongside one another? to love and to mourn? to curse each other out? to die working every day? idk im still figuring it out. im so lucky to have people around me who believe in me and in my work. i have more to share soon :)" - Kara Jackson

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